
Malysteria was founded in September 2010 
by Atalian and Euphoryon in St Brieuc, Britanny.
Mainly influenced by the occult music of Norwegian black metal bands from the early 90s,
we began to shape our taste and play music together.
Tired of looking for competent and motivated musicians to work with, 
we decided to compose our music on our ownwith 
Euphoryon playing the guitar and bass parts, and Atalian taking care of all of the vocals.
Between July and October 2011, 
we recorded our first EP at our long-time friend Sven Vinat's Dreambox Studio.
At the same moment, Hélène from Rennes joined the band as a second guitarist, and Sven, who had taken on a considerable role in the programming work, became our live bass player.
Our first EP came out on April 16, 2012
and Malysteria played its first gig on April 19 in Rennes 
with CruxifictionMoonreich and Zul'Ra
After that, we played once again in Rennes in December 
with our friends of Les Chants de Nihil & And Summer Dies
The gig was organized by Metal Corporation.

We are now working on an album, and some more material. 
The composition processis now over
so we intend to come back to Dreambox Studio and record everything this year...

Malysteria is now:

Atalian: vocals

Euphoryon: lead & rythm guitars, bass guitar, 
live backing vocals

Sven:  programmings, recording,
live bass & backing vocals